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Сразу расставим точки над Ъ: конструкция сложная, тяжелая по весу, ничем не превосходит исходный образец и, походу, вообще никчему... Зачем же тогда была потрачена целая куча времени и усилий? А очень просто: эта штука сделана не потому, что нужна, а потому, что захотелось!
Авторская азбука
Well, in my infinite boredom, I have converted Citadel Colours into hex codes for the B&C Space Marine Painter (through Photoshop, if anyone's interested), as many of you have been waiting for. The colours were converted from those on the Games Workshop Interactive Painter, so the metallics may look a bit dodgy. Also, given the shaded nature of the model on the B&C painter, some colours may need a bit of tweaking, but this is a start. Foundation Paints aren't included, unfortunately.
To find the colour you want, either hit Ctrl+F on your keyboard and type said colour's name, or find the appropriate section of the spectrum and browse.
So, without further ado...
Вестовой занервничал, засобирался.
- Ты куда ж, милой, - остановил его все тот же Никифор. – Отведай уж гостеприимства нашего содомского. К нам сюда редко новые люди заглядывают. Али ты Библию не читал, али нехристь? Али не знаешь, как гостям-то от нас непросто выбраться?
Because of our interest in photography, we have lots of sets of rechargeable batteries. Our system for keeping the same four batteries together and knowing which sets were charged and which were in need of a charge hadn’t been working very well. Inevitably, one of us (usually me) would put them in the wrong pocket; leaving us with a jumble of charged and uncharged batteries.
Московские школьники от 7 до 10 лет попытались воспользоваться пишущей машинкой, патефоном и дисковым телефоном и прокомментировали свои ощущения.
Here's a typical scene from a tourist destination, usually somewhere in the southern US: an older guy wearing sandals, dress socks and a guayaberas shirt, carrying around a Nikon or Leica camera outfit and taking snapshots at high noon. After every few shots, he takes out his handkerchief or lens tissue and cleans the front element of his lens, removing all dust and any possible smudges. Sound right? Take a hard look next time if you don't know what I'm talking about!! But more importantly, does this do any good? Will dirt and dust really show up in pictures? Is it necessary to clean minor dust and fingerprint smudges from the camera lens?
I've spent many sleepless nights contemplating just the thoughts above. Now, thanks to some unscientific testing and serious abuse, I've been able to sleep better at nights with my new found knowledge.
Windows 3.1 прямо в браузере.
От того, что интернет-компании стремятся подстроить свои услуги (включая новости и поисковые рузультаты) под наши индивидуальные вкусы, появилось опасное непреднамеренное последствие: мы оказываемся в плену у “фильтров-пузырей” и не получаем информацию, которая могла бы поставить под сомнение или расширить наш взгляд на мир. Эли Парайзер утверждает, что в итоге это выйдет боком не только нам, но и нашей демократии…
If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question.
Christopher Jonassen’s series “Devour” appears to involve some rather expensive photography equipment, perhaps a Nikon D3x attached to the Hubble Telescope, but these fascinating and sinister planetary portraits are actually just photographs of the surfaces of frying pans. Now that you know they’re frying pans, the series title seems quite descriptive.
В Челябинске мужчина, продавший соседского кота, переданного ему на хранение, попал под суд. Дело закончилось примирением сторон: обвиняемый возместил стоимость породистого домашнего животного.
Though the actual percentage of gear that gets damaged is very small compared to the overall volume of equipment we send out, over the years there have been a few, uh, interesting stories of people behaving badly with our equipment...
Новый адрес официального представительства НАХУЙ в интернете.
The First Flush Edition of the PX 680 Color Shade film is Impossibles first, experimental color material for type 600 cameras and introduces a magical new color palette within the classic white frame.
Being First Flush material this PX 680 FF material will show variances in color balance, in saturation and in contrast. Images may also show a light dot shaped pattern in the dark areas.
Tilt-shift miniature style photos are pictures of real-life scenes that are manipulated to look like model photographs.
Now you can easily transform your existing digital camera photos into tilt-shift style miniatures using tiltshiftmaker.com. Our online photo editing tool is fun and requires no registration or signup.